Les Brèves Maths-fi du
mercredi 26 septembre 2018.

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Maths-Fi vous souhaite une belle journée et vous propose aujourd'hui :

[Spécial Machine Learning] : Ebook – Introduction au Machine Learning


Comment gérer des données qui sont désordonnées, incomplètes ou dans une variété de formats ?
Comment choisir le bon modèle pour vos données ?

Téléchargez cet ebook sur le Machine Learning et découvrez :
- Les fondamentaux du Machine Learning
- Comment débuter avec le Machine Learning, de l’accès aux données à la définition des modèles.
- Les techniques d’apprentissage supervisé
- Les techniques d’apprentissage non-supervisé

Cliquez ici pour télécharger gratuitement votre exemplaire

[New Book - Gilles Pages] Numerical Probability: An Introduction With Applications to Finance

BigDataFR.com & MathsFi.com: New Book: 'Numerical Probability: An Introduction With Applications to Finance'
• Author: Prof Gilles Pagès, Université Pierre et Marie Curie/Sorbonne Université, Director Master 2 "Probabilités & Finance" (DEA/Master Nicole El Karoui) since 2001.
• This textbook provides an introduction to numerical methods in probability with a focus on applications to finance
• Covers discretization schemes of stochastic differential equations
• Aimed at advanced undergraduate/graduate/PhD students.
• Contains useful examples and over 150 exercises, making it suitable for self-study

Buy & Free Preview
Springer Publishing Company

►Table of contents

  • Simulation of Random Variables
  • The Monte Carlo Method and Applications to Option Pricing
  • Variance Reduction
  • The Quasi-Monte Carlo Method 
  • Optimal Quantization Methods I: Cubatures
  • Stochastic Approximation with Applications to Finance [...]

►Buy & Free Preview
Springer Publishing Company

[Fed News] FOMC statement - 25-26 September 2018

[...] Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in August indicates that the labor market has continued to strengthen and that economic activity has been rising at a strong rate. Job gains have been strong, on average, in recent months, and the unemployment rate has stayed low. Household spending and business fixed investment have grown strongly. [...]

Press Release Projections Accessible Material
Source: federalserve.gov

[Bruegel - The Sound of Economics] Backstage: Brexit consequences for EU’s ICT policy

[...] The divorce of the UK from the European Union will have far-reaching consequences for all sectors, but what will be the balance of continuity and disruption in the sphere of ICT regulation? Reflecting on the most essential problems that Brexit will pose to the ICT industry, Bruegel senior fellow J. Scott Marcus is joined in conversation by Kip Meek, former chairman of the European Regulators Group. [...]

Source: bruegel.org

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